Sunday, November 22, 2009

One more time...

I did it again! I went running! Workout 2.2 complete.

Again, I brought Bently and he was great! The retractable leash was the key. He even responded to the "let's run" and "slow down" commands. Yay! I might have my running buddy back.

Ok....the run. It was another run for 1:30 then walk for 3:00. My shins are still killing me. About 25 minutes in to my 30 minute run, they finally went numb and I felt like I could have kept running. Next week I will run for a longer periods and hopefully my shins will numb up sooner!

I'm struggling with wanting to buy hundreds of dollars worth of running gear. I feel that if I want to take running seriously I need to buy new shoes, new tights, and warm weather gear. Well...I did go to Target and by some Compression shirts and a pair of running gloves. I felt like if, for some reason, I didn't follow through with my running plans, I wouldn't feel so bad because they weren't that expensive. I did stop myself from buying the cold-run tights and a new fleece because I still have a pair of tights from high school track and a fleece outfit from Old Navy when they came out with their "Polar Fleece" a couple of years ago (once again, I was in high school). Amazing it all still fits! I did ask for these things for Christmas though :) Maybe I will make it through the winter after all. Any advice on what else I should buy? I live in Northern Illinois, so it gets really cold in December and lasts through March.


  1. The first thing ANY runner should buy are good running shoes. Go get your gait analyzed and be prepared to spend about $100. If you have shin splints or other injuries all the other running gear you want to buy or already have will do you no good. Take it from someone who was injured as a result of improper running shoes.

  2. Like Lisa said good shoes are a MUST!!

    I live in a part of CA where it doesn't get cold enough to snow so I don't know too much about great snow gear, however, I do LOVE my North Face ear gear. Not only does it keep my ears toasty but it also is a great headband.
